With the Special Olympics starting soon in Los Angeles, there will be many records set. But Golf 'N Stuff, our local miniature golf course, has its own very unique claim to fame.
This tree house, on one of the golf courses, is where two Guinness World Records for tree sitting were established.
From January 1 to July 2, 1978, Glenn T. Woodrich, age 23, sat on this tree house for a total of 182 days and two minutes. From July 4, 1982 , to Sept. 8, 1983 (yes, 1983!), Timothy Roy, age 29, sat for a grand total of 431 days. He is the current champion.
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I - ( Timothy Roy of 65026 Sand Trail - Joshua Tree , CA . 92252 ) is the last living Tree Sitter still alive . All other ( 5 other sitter from the U.S.A. all have passed away . Listed in the Guinness Book of Record - ( 1930 - 1930 - 1972 - 1974 & 1978 ) Timothy Roy - ( 1982 - 1983 - 431 days , 2 h & .30 M.