Thursday, September 26, 2013

Aviation—now and then

NA Rotunda 1960s

The one thing you can count on with a city as old as Downey is that there will be visible change. Downey Historical Society has chronicled those changes at their website here.

For my birthday this year, my fellow DDP photographers gave me a deck of historical Downey postcards produced by the society. I thought I would try and recreate the pictures in a "then and now" series. This picture shows the North American Aviation rotunda from the 1960s.


Today the rotunda is vacant and unused. Downey Studios tried to revive the old buildings but they lasted only a few years. We'll have to wait and see what the new owners do with this building. I'll do another post when something changes.

Can you remember a building that was significant in your life? Is it still there?

"We shape our buildings; thereafter, our buildings shape us."
~ Winston Churchill


  1. I love the idea of this series! However, I'm quite sure that original photo is in the old portion of the building still standing along Lakewood. Right by the stop light.

    1. I think you're right, Bill. See And thanks for following us!


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