So, I know I need to be more like Bibi from A-Yankee-in-Belgrade and carry my camera wherever I go. The fun stuff always takes you by surprise. For example, last week we went out to lunch for a friend's birthday. We got to Bob's Big Boy and saw a retro Rockview Dairy truck in the parking lot. Rockview Dairy used to have a functioning dairy where we actually visited the cows when we were little. Anyway, sad day, no camera.
Next, as we were finishing our lunch, the fire alarm went off in the restaurant and no one was able to turn it off. The Downey Fire Department arrived on the scene to customers who had pulled chairs outside so they could sit and eat their ice cream sans ear shattering sounds. And me with no camera!
Then on my way home as I turned into our alley, the kids you see above popped up over the top of the fence with these crazy, painted faces. For this, I could go home and pick up my camera! They were adorable and so willing to show off their brilliantly colored faces.
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