I liked this rustic wall with geraniums growing along the base. Geraniums are one of those flowers that I used to think were boring and kind of old-fashioned. But I have come across so many different types of geraniums, with different smells, that I have come around to almost liking them.
One of the consistently nice things about them is that you can take a cutting from virtually any kind of geranium and start a new plant. I think that is kind of amazing, especially if you are short on cash and need to add color and fullness to your garden (or a friend's garden),
Fun Flower Facts about Geraniums:
- The common name “cranesbill” refers to the the seed capsule that looks like a crane’s bill. The beak-like column will burst open when ripe and casts the seeds over a distance.
- Geranium essential oil can be used as a deodorant, tonic, and diuretic. It may even be able to reduce the appearance of scars and other spots on the skin.
- Geranium essential oil has been used in making artificial rose oil in perfumes
- There is a variety of geraniums that smells like citronella, which can repel mosquitoes.
- Geranium leaves can be used to make tea.
- Rose-scented geranium leaves can be used to flavor cakes, jellies, and vinegars.