I have started writing this paragraph so many times it feels like my little finger is permanently connected to the "backspace" button. I'm actually not sure what to write about this girl since I didn't really have time (read: couldn't think of a way) to talk to her. She was sitting at the bus stop as I made my way around the old part of Downey. My main focus was supposed to be about her but I just couldn't do it.

I did however to talk to the bus driver as she got into her bus but didn't stop to take her picture and didn't think of even asking her name. I was looking at the transit building as she passed by and she asked if I liked it. I said it was great but a little out of place. She said she had hoped the new transit station would look like the old building but the mural on the side would have to do. I wish I knew more about the old one. It would have looked great with the old warehouses as a backdrop and the brick walls of the Firestone buildings in front of it.
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